The Last Hurdle

We are a digital marketing agency offering full digital marketing services including website design and management, social media marketing, content writing, brand and logo design as well as traditional marketing services.

Author : JulesWh

Needs Analysis

Needs Analysis A “Needs analysis” is often dismissed as sales jargon, a phrase that can put people off, especially those who instinctively mistrust anything sales-related. But what does it actually mean? Simply put, Needs Analysis is about finding out what your prospective client wants—before attempting to make a sale. It’s about asking: How may I[…]

Making the Most of Your Networking Activities

Making the Most of Your Networking Activities One of the best ways to grow your business is through networking with like-minded people. Across the country, there are countless networking clubs and groups, but with so many options, choosing the right one(s) can be tricky. In fact, if you wanted to, it’s possible to spend all[…]

Read the Small Print

Read the Small Print Practically everything we sign up to these days comes with ‘terms and conditions,’ a contract or some form of agreement, whether it’s in hard copy or online. The reality is that many businesses and individuals, sign without fully reading through the details of what they are agreeing to. It’s only when[…]

The Importance of Making the Right First Impression

The Importance of Making the Right First Impression We’ve all heard the saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, yet that is exactly what we do. But is it so wrong? Every time we meet someone new, we form an opinion of them within the first few seconds and this impression is primarily based[…]

What to Consider Before You Rebrand

What to Consider Before You Rebrand It’s often said that a change is as good as a rest and in many instances, this is undoubtedly true. If you’re thinking about refreshing your brand or even going for a complete rebrand, it’s essential to take a step back, assess what you want to achieve and explore[…]

Managing the Unmanageable MD

Managing the Unmanageable MD By Ellie Green, The Last Hurdle Ltd Office Manager and PA to Founder Jules White For the past two years, I’ve had the pleasure of working for an incredible person – Jules White, the MD of The Last Hurdle. In that time, I’ve learned a lot about organisation, flexibility and the[…]

How to Stop Selling Your Time

How to Stop Selling Your Time If you run a business in the service industry, you’re probably familiar with the idea of charging by the hour. It’s something many of us do. You land a job, inform the customer how long it will take and charge £X per hour. While this may work fine if[…]

The Importance of Sustained Growth

The Importance of Sustained Growth Every business wants to grow and for many, the quicker, the better. However, rapid expansion without the necessary infrastructure in place can lead to serious challenges. The business landscape is filled with examples of companies, both large and small, that have been overwhelmed by their own success—whether by launching a[…]

Put Some Personality into Your Blog Posts

Put Some Personality into Your Blog Posts Blogs have become an essential part of marketing businesses online. Speak to any marketing expert and they’ll tell you that running a regular, well-written blog helps boost your brand and makes your website more visible on search engines like Google. However, many business blogs fall short because they[…]

How to Run a Successful Event

How to Run a Successful Event Running an event can be an excellent way to raise your business profile. Whether it’s an informative workshop, training programme, exhibition, charity fundraiser or something else, there are simple steps common to all events that, if followed, will give it the best possible chance of success. The first thing[…]

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