The Last Hurdle

We are a digital marketing agency offering full digital marketing services including website design and management, social media marketing, content writing, brand and logo design as well as traditional marketing services.

Digital Marketing

Google Pigeon

Google Pigeon On 24th of July 2014 in the US Google made a small but potentially high impact change to local search results. Although Google have yet to make an announcement regarding the change there is, as you will expect a lot of speculation, monitoring and gossip surrounding the latest update. What is Google Pigeon?[…]

How to Write a Great Case Study

How to Write a Great Case Study Producing a dynamic case study that explains how your business helped out a client and solved their problem is one of the most powerful and flexible marketing tools at your disposal. The challenge is to put together killer copy that treads the right line between promotion and providing[…]

Paying for Twitter Advertising

Paying for Twitter Advertising Whether we enjoy chatting with friends or keeping up with celebrities, it’s no surprise that many of us can be found Tweeting throughout the day. With more than 34 million accounts, over 20% of the United Kingdom’s population use Twitter and over 40% of those users are aged under 25. As[…]

Online Engagement

Online Engagement Social media has become an increasingly important part of our lives, whether it’s for personal or business use, the connections and interactions we make online provide a gateway to reaching out to an audience in real time to get instant reactions and results that when applied to our businesses, will contribute to its success.[…]

Putting a Price on Your Work

Putting a Price on Your Work Many businesses, particularly those just starting out, struggle with the right price to put on their product or service. Do you undercut the competition and hope to attract more business? Are you selling yourself too cheap? Alternatively, are you too expensive for the market you are trying to compete[…]

Security Tips for WordPress Websites

Security Tips for WordPress Websites Many businesses were brought down to earth recently with revelations of the Heartbleed bug; not an attempt to hack into our systems but a flaw in the software that we all use and largely take for granted. While it meant that many systems were vulnerable and open to abuse from[…]

The Importance of Protecting Your Brand

The Importance of Protecting Your Brand While your logo reflects who you are and gives people something tangible to latch onto, branding itself is far deeper and more complex than this simple design. Your logo is a representation of what you stand for, an easily recognisable reminder of the quality of your product and the[…]

Why Hashtags Are So Important

Why Hashtags Are So Important Hashtags #WhatsTheDeal With so many online communication platforms to choose from these days, finding the right way to connect with people can be tricky, especially when you have a high number of followers. Although a large audience (of your target market) will be beneficial to you, connecting to them in[…]

Google+ Is It Worth The Effort?

Google+ Is It Worth The Effort? Despite its detractors in recent times, there’s no doubt that Google+ can have a number of benefits for businesses hoping to develop a stronger online presence including its positive effect on search results, the link to YouTube and higher visibility using Google Authorship. Much has been written on the[…]

Introducing the Top Level Domain .UK

Introducing the Top Level Domain .UK Businesses within the UK and Northern Ireland are currently witnessing a revolutionary online development with the introduction of the new top level domain .uk created by the Governing body, Nominet. The new domain allows a quicker and more accessible gateway for businesses and users to grow and cultivate within[…]

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