The Last Hurdle

We are a digital marketing agency offering full digital marketing services including website design and management, social media marketing, content writing, brand and logo design as well as traditional marketing services.


There Is No Value in Free

There Is No Value in Free The Dangers of Giving Stuff Away It can be tempting, especially when you are just starting out, to offer your products or services for free. The reasoning is simple: get your offering out there, let people use it, hopefully like it and then they’ll come back, willing to pay[…]

The Importance of Making the Right First Impression

The Importance of Making the Right First Impression We’ve all heard the saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, yet that is exactly what we do. But is it so wrong? Every time we meet someone new, we form an opinion of them within the first few seconds and this impression is primarily based[…]

What to Consider Before You Rebrand

What to Consider Before You Rebrand It’s often said that a change is as good as a rest and in many instances, this is undoubtedly true. If you’re thinking about refreshing your brand or even going for a complete rebrand, it’s essential to take a step back, assess what you want to achieve and explore[…]

How to Stop Selling Your Time

How to Stop Selling Your Time If you run a business in the service industry, you’re probably familiar with the idea of charging by the hour. It’s something many of us do. You land a job, inform the customer how long it will take and charge £X per hour. While this may work fine if[…]

The Importance of Sustained Growth

The Importance of Sustained Growth Every business wants to grow and for many, the quicker, the better. However, rapid expansion without the necessary infrastructure in place can lead to serious challenges. The business landscape is filled with examples of companies, both large and small, that have been overwhelmed by their own success—whether by launching a[…]

How to Run a Successful Event

How to Run a Successful Event Running an event can be an excellent way to raise your business profile. Whether it’s an informative workshop, training programme, exhibition, charity fundraiser or something else, there are simple steps common to all events that, if followed, will give it the best possible chance of success. The first thing[…]

How to Write Brand Guidelines

How to Write Brand Guidelines If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you’ll know how important your brand is. Most large companies have a strict set of guidelines for external organisations that are authorised to use their branding. Without brand guidelines, there’s a risk of misrepresentation—such as logos being incorrectly placed, stretched[…]

Are You Telling Your Customers What They Want to Hear?

Are You Telling Your Customers What They Want to Hear? You may have developed the best marketing campaign in the world, but if you haven’t taken the time to understand how your customer is going to react, you could be wasting your efforts. Are your customers engaged? Are they truly interested in what you have[…]

Complaint Handling is an Opportunity to Impress

Complaint Handling is an Opportunity to Impress If your business has never received a complaint from a customer, you’re either very lucky, extremely good at what you do or you haven’t been trading for long! All companies receive complaints from time to time. If you’re adept at handling customer complaints, you can make the difference[…]

10 Free and Low Cost Online Tools for Small Business

10 Free and Low Cost Online Tools for Small Business One of the great things about running a small business nowadays is that there are plenty of tools out there that are either free or come at a low cost. Here’s our list of some of the best currently on the market that could provide[…]

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